
Fence Painting Services

Welcome to Orchid Decor, your one-stop solution for transforming your garden fences in Newport, Wales. We are a team of dedicated professionals passionate about bringing colour and life to your outdoor spaces. With years of experience in the painting industry, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results that exceed our clients' expectations.

In Newport, the weather can be tough on fences. Our paints protect the wood from rain, sun and frost, stopping it from rotting or breaking. This keeps your fence looking good for longer and saves you money later on.


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A well-kept fence can make your home worth more. If you might sell your house later, painting the fence is a smart investment.

You can pick a colour you love to make your garden special. Whether you want a white fence, a bright colour, or a natural wood look, we can help.

A painted fence also helps keep your garden private and safe for your family and pets, so you can relax and enjoy being outside.

Hand painting a fence
Pink and blue fence and deck painting

Trending Fence Colours in Newport

  • Classic White

    A timeless choice that suits both traditional and modern homes, white fences create a clean, bright, and inviting atmosphere.

  • Natural Wood Tones

     Embrace the natural beauty of your wooden fence with shades like cedar, oak, or walnut. These warm tones blend seamlessly with your garden and add a touch of rustic charm.

  • Bold Black

    For a modern and sophisticated look, consider painting your fence black. This bold choice creates a striking contrast and adds a touch of drama to your outdoor space.

  • Neutral Greys

    If you prefer a more understated look, neutral greys are a perfect choice. These versatile shades create a calming, contemporary backdrop for your garden.

  • Earthy Greens

    For a natural and harmonious look, opt for earthy greens like olive, sage, or moss. These colours blend beautifully with your garden landscape and create a tranquil atmosphere.

  • Soft Pastels

    Add a touch of whimsy to your fence with soft pastel colours like light blue, pale yellow, or lavender. These delicate hues evoke a charming, cottage-like feel and add a touch of personality to your home.

Fence Styles: Finding the Perfect Match for Your Home

Picket Fences: These classic fences with pointed tops look great in white, soft colours, or natural wood tones. They work well with cosy cottages, traditional houses, and older homes.

Privacy Fences: These tall fences keep your garden private. They look good in neutral greys, earthy greens, or natural wood tones. These are good for suburban houses, modern homes, or any house that needs more privacy.

Ranch or Split Rail Fences: These simple fences made of posts and rails give a rustic look. They look best in natural wood tones or earthy greens. They suit farmhouse-style homes or homes with a lot of land.

Horizontal Slat Fences: These modern fences have horizontal slats. They can be bold black, neutral greys, or natural wood tones. They suit modern homes, simple homes, and industrial-style homes.

Lattice Fences: These fences have criss-crossed wood strips for a decorative look. They look good in soft colours, white, or earthy greens. They suit cosy cottages, garden-focused homes, and traditional houses.

With so many options to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect fence colour and style to make your Newport home shine.

Ready to give your fence a makeover? Get in touch with Orchid Decor today. We'll help you find the perfect colours and finishes to protect and beautify your fence, adding value and charm to your Newport home.


How We Transform Your Fence

  1. Chat with us: We start by getting to know you and your ideas for your fence. We'll talk about what colours and styles you like.
  2. Preparation: We clean your fence, smooth it out, and put on a special layer to help the paint stick better.
  3. Paint like pros: Our team uses high quality paint and special tools to make your fence look amazing.
  4. Check and tidy: We look over your fence carefully to make sure it's perfect. Then we clean up everything before we leave.
Green painted fence with deck chairs in front

Why Choose Us

  • Our team has years of experience painting all sorts of fences, so you can trust us to do a great job.
  • We only use top-quality paint and materials so your fence looks fantastic for years to come.
  • Making our customers happy is the most important thing to us, so we'll go the extra mile to make sure you love your new fence.
  • Our prices are clear and fair, with no hidden extras.

Questions & Answers

  • Do you provide the paint?

    Yes, we provide all the paint and materials needed for the job. You don't have to worry about a thing.

  • How long does it take to paint a fence?

    The time it takes depends on the size of your fence and the weather. But usually, it takes a few days.

  • What kind of paint do you use?

    We use the best outdoor paint that can handle the weather, so your fence stays protected.

  • Do I need to get my fence ready?

    No, we'll take care of everything for you.

  • What if the weather's bad?

    We keep an eye on the weather and will move the painting day if it's not good for painting.

  • Is there a warranty for the paint job?

    Yes, we guarantee you'll be happy with our work and the materials we use.

  • Are your painters insured?

    Yes, all our painters are fully insured for your peace of mind.

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